Before you continue let me state that Infusion and transmog are two completely different features.
[quote][b]Transmogrify[/b] [i]definition[/i], to change in appearance or form.[/quote][spoiler]pretty much a "stylize" menu, kiosk or NPC allowing us to choose the armor appearance on our guardians regardless of gear the equipped. [/spoiler]
Transmogrification has been on the [b]TOP[/b] of our "[url=]community wish list[/url]" for quite some time. When will we actually get it?
I can't be the only guardian out here who would like to wear old gear while maintaining a high light level. Let's discuss how we would appreciate this feature implemented. [b]BUNGIE! We all hope you're listening to us about this![/b]
[b][i][u]HELP GET THIS TRENDING!![/u][/i][/b]
Edit 1: Over 150 comments and trending!! Keep it up guardians!
Edit 2: 250+ comments. Bungie, ya heard?!
Edit 3: Almost 400!
Edit 4: Reddit "[url=]bungieplz[/url]" has a similar thread going on too.
Yes I want to rock my year 1 iron banner gear
You want felwinter BACK?!
Or simpler, just put an infusion option on old gear that only level 40s can access.
For the love of Deej, it's been a year, we've introduced useless cosmetic masks and SRL gear, can we please just transmog that crap? All those blues and greens that look good, but are forgotten about, what's the hold up? [spoiler]While we're at it, Race/Gender switch would be great too.[/spoiler]
Only something they should of added or something other than the way it is now over a year ago. Why are there so many things Bungie lacks on?
I could finally wear my complete set of Firebreak
Literally my top must-have in destiny
This would be one of the best improvements bungie could make. I would personally exclude exotics. Exotics appearance, imo, shouldn't be changed, but all others should be allowed.
You need to be realistic here. Bungie is working on Destiny 2 and the live team is working on new content. Nobody is going to waste their time on transmog.
That's one big ass word, I know in this case it means updating old gear but what does it really mean?
You've overlooked one [b]major[/b] detail. A detail that means transmog will never happen. [spoiler]The Community Wishlist is where ideas and requests go to die.[/spoiler]
Some hot bump action in here
Destiny 2, don't think they will do it in this year and a half QA game
Is this the one where my guardian has to use the bathroom of the gender on his birth certificate?
Bungie doesn't give a flying -blam!- about what the players want. It's all about what they want and how they intend this game to be played.