Before you continue let me state that Infusion and transmog are two completely different features.
[quote][b]Transmogrify[/b] [i]definition[/i], to change in appearance or form.[/quote][spoiler]pretty much a "stylize" menu, kiosk or NPC allowing us to choose the armor appearance on our guardians regardless of gear the equipped. [/spoiler]
Transmogrification has been on the [b]TOP[/b] of our "[url=]community wish list[/url]" for quite some time. When will we actually get it?
I can't be the only guardian out here who would like to wear old gear while maintaining a high light level. Let's discuss how we would appreciate this feature implemented. [b]BUNGIE! We all hope you're listening to us about this![/b]
[b][i][u]HELP GET THIS TRENDING!![/u][/i][/b]
Edit 1: Over 150 comments and trending!! Keep it up guardians!
Edit 2: 250+ comments. Bungie, ya heard?!
Edit 3: Almost 400!
Edit 4: Reddit "[url=]bungieplz[/url]" has a similar thread going on too.
NEVER FORGET THE: 'HELMET ALWAYS ON TOGGLE'. a straight up vanity/transmog is really as simple as that...we won't get it tho until it can be monetized.
With the 1:1 infusion system coming soon, this is probably the closest we'll get to transmog until Destiny 2
Remember the 'helmet off' toggle....REMEMBER!?!?!? A vanity slot or vendor that changes the appearance of any non-exotic would work EXACTLY LIKE THE HELMET OFF TOGGLE.... Why this is not a thing yet likely comes down to: how can they monetize it????!!!
But they only want us playing the new content
Activision Exc: "Oh boy! I just had a bright idea. Why not bring customization in to Destiny using small microtransactions Bungie?" Bungie: "But sir. Wouldn't that enrange the community?" Activision Exc: "Don't worry. The community will slowly accept the change, you'll see. In the meantime you guys mind giving us all massages? We worked SO hard to publish this piece of concentrated material." Bungie: "Should we bring the lube?"....
Edited by TXAggie22: 4/1/2016 4:41:19 PMThis isn't a real thing.
Yeah, that'd be cool. Put on my old vog gear for kicks the other day... Forgot how sexy my titan looked.
Whatever it is I'm going to use it on my next date! *please ignore if I'm dating your sister.
You should probably explain what it is so those who don't know can understand and also agree lmao, I would love to use y1 hunter cloaks again.