So ive noticed that alot of people dont understand how to kill roaming supers easily. Well..except bladedancer. We've ALL had plenty of time to learn to kill bladedancers
Im here to give you all THE BEST tip to bringing down a super that doesnt require shooting from across the map.
This works especially well on stormcallers and sunbreakers.
So most times when a ShockWalkers or a Sunbro pop their super they rush. Always. Especially Emperor Palpatine, they allllllways go for team wipes.
Step 1) Get their attention. Do a little damage. As in aggro them into rushing you.
Step 2) Make sure you have your weapons reloaded, your grenade and/or melee charged, and (IMO) a shotgun makes its so much easier but anything with good impact will work.
Step 3) Locate to a corner where you have enough room to jump to your full height.
Step 4) When they chase you run as fast as you can to that corner and stand right on thr other side.
Step 5) Make sure they cant see you just around that corner, wait untill they get to the other side of that corner.
Step 6) RIGHT before they pop around that corner jump STRAIGHT UP and when they round that corner they will be expecting you to eye level with them because of the radar
Step 7) This is where "practice makes perfecr" comes into play. Now you are right above them. Both stormcaller and sunbreaker will always stop right as they hit that corner in order to electrocute or hammer you. This is where you drop your grenade, melee, shotty, any bullets from your high impact guns right into their dome.
There ya go.
It will take practice. This will also work for any enemy thats chasing you as well. Most times Shock Walkers will be looking directly ahead of them because of the wierd 3rd person view they are in, that view also blocks them from being able to see directly above them, and also it takes them forever to be able to look straight up or change direction.
Obviously if you got landfalled or killed outright jn the activation you wont be able to do that. Also if they are skileld they will ionic blink away or suncharge away to stay alive.
Just to get this out of the way: I main a hunter for PvE and but main a warlock in PvP because it was the first class I used predominantly in PvP for the thorn bounty, chaperone, and any crucible questlines and bounties.
Seriously guys. When im a stormcaller THIS method has worked on me more times then id like to admit. Ive also been destroyed many other ways. Yesterday i had a guy kill me in my super 3 times with a havoc pidgen. 3 FREAKING TIMES. >_< i dont even know how.
I'll have to give this a shot.
Run like hell as fast as you can with things between you and them until their supers wear off then start shooting.
It's not that you [i]learned[/i] how to counter Bladedancer. It's that you complained so much that Bungie nerfed them to shit.
Edited by visionary: 4/3/2016 4:12:35 AMActually i just run and power slide at them all while pumping them full of shots from my invective. Its so effective that its scary.
I approve this strat!
I do that all the time. Not with just supers, ppl too
I can snipe in the head a Sunbreaker in his super no problem, occasionally do the same to a Bladedancer but for the life of me I can't do it to a Stormcaller. I gotta learn to just run from them.
I usually do this and find that it works for most except golden gun and bladedancers
How am i gona remember these 7 steps when they kill me by 3?
As I run sniper (yeah yeah, get over it); I normally just jump over them. If I can, I'll run (one less kill for them) but if not I'll jump again, try to waste their super energy on just the one kill. Ended up playing leapfrog with a Sunbro yesterday, must have gone over him 3 or 4 times before he got me, but that's 2 hammers that didn't get kills
Or just do what I do, as soon as you hear hammers clank or electricity strike, jump off the map to avoid getting killed. Your teammates will love this strategy.
[b][u]REVISED PLAN[/u][/b] 1). Stick penis in toaster 2). ??? 3). Profit
This will only work for those barbaric players that get stuck on trying to kill one person. SMART players will be two steps ahead of this "strat" and will not fall for this bait.
What I do, is pretty much the same but, suppress grenade as soon as the come in...
This will work great for Hunters in the April update. Just equip Khepri's Sting, use this strategy, but go invisible as they're coming around too. Jump over them, and then backstab them.
I just shotgun rush them head on, works most of the time
How to kill someone who sucks with a roaming super maybe...it's pure stupidity to run directly around a corner chasing someone, even if your in full super mode.
I just use the activation sounds and radar pings, and unleash Hell on them... I may die, but bet your ass, I'm taking them with me... The Arminius-D does a pretty good job of shredding all of them, save a half way decent gunslinger or a defender...
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