You got a Series: [url=]Jacob's Stories Overview[/url]
[quote]"You guys left me no choice. Here's your entourage," ~Splashback77[/quote]
[b]You think Emmylou was the guardian craziest about a certain element.[/b] Ha ha. No. I once met a Titan that used nothing but solar weapons. Of course, I was in the Crucible. This was what, two weeks before I met Emmylou.
Anyway, it was Clash. Regular Clash, not Mayhem Clash. That week was Inferno week. (I [i]hate[/i] Inferno.) There was this Titan running Lord of Wolves, Silence of A'arn, and Quillium's Terminus on the other team. The map was Exodus Blue. I hate that map.
I already didn't like the guy. He was using Lord of Wolves. And he was running two shotguns. I swore I shouted, "Dude, you're using two shotguns, one of them is Lord of Wolves. What is your problem!?!"
Of course... he stuck me with a fusion grenade. Heavy comes around he uses his Hammer of Sol. He kills me with it. He takes the heavy. I didn't get to touch it. I ran around the corner, he shoots me with his machine gun. I was in a fireteam, with my friends, Vince and Caleb.
"Dude, this b***h and his Silence of A'arn. There's no way the range is that far," Caleb complained.
"The Silence of A'arn b***h just shut me down with his f**king Lord of Wolves," Vince added.
I admit that my fireteam is pretty salty. At least I'm not that salty.
"Jacob, you gotta check out this b***h's god-roll Silence of A'arn," Caleb told me.
"He killed me... Once with a fusion grenade. Another with Hammer of Sol, and once again with Quillium's Terminus. It's probably god-roll," I said.
The Titan's team won the match.
The next match he was on our team. The map was The Burning Shrine. I waved down the Titan.
"Hey," I said.
"Hello," he replied.
"Listen, you kinda angered my fireteam. Please don't use Lord of Wolves anymore."
"I can't do that."
"I love solar too much."
"For [i]one[/i] weapon?"
"The only time I give up my primary is for Raze-Lighter."
"You're insane."
"I can't be insane. I'm an exo. I carry in Trials if you want to go flawless."
I thought to myself while be said that, [i]Okay. He's an exo. He can't go insane. He carries in Trials. What?!! I need his name.[/i]
"You go flawless in Trials?" I asked.
"Yes," the exo replied.
"Okay. Who are you?"
"Tyson-36. You are?"
"Jacob Laney."
"Nice meeting you."
"Nice meeting you. Maybe you can help me with Trials."
"Reef. Friday. 6:00 PM. Please don't be late. Bring your team."
Since, Tyson has been helping me get a Doctrine of Passing Adept.
It's crazy how many people become your friends when you meet them in the Crucible.