Drag as in move your scope across a target..im not arguing at all ...you can hit things without ..its impossibleaim assist ...to suggest otherwise would be silly ..but you cant drag scope without AA its impossible .the "drag" is when your reticule slows down when passing over a target...slowing down.. i.e "drag" hence the term drag scoping..made possible by aim assist ..nothing to argue just facts...and if you and your friends are running around doing real game scenarios meaning running jumping sliding and you are drag scoping and hitting them with no assist at real game distances and actions ....then y I u sir are the greatest sniper alive ...because no one else who has tried it has not done it beyond the occasional lucky shot. .there for i aalute the greatest sniper alive
So what do you think the problem with sniper are..you said i think they are op i dont.... just broken mechanics and across the board nrfs to everything that could out shoot them..for all the time spent making this game it was not well thought out
Maybe don't challenge the greatest sniper alive on sniper terminology, then