Mida takes around 4 headshots to kill, it's not OP it's just a consistent gun, it's not always the most reliable in close quarter situations get up close and you'll out gun a Mida easily.
If it was good at the range it's at & at last word range then it would be considered OP but it's not. Every sniper is a one shot headshot, if you're a low light level you can be one shot bodyed by a black spindle, if that happens that's you're own fault. Out snipe the snipers or avoid sniping lanes and get up close with a shotgun, There's nothing really OP in this game tbh imo
Yea try that against quick scope bullshit also Midas need a nerf your pricing my point it should take mare then 4 or so shots 2 kill someone with anything an the bullshit one shot snipers you have a shield put armored helmet that should stop a bullet 2 a point it takes more bullets 2 kill with any other weapon 2 the head take 5 to 6 shots
Seems like you just suck ass and get mad whenever you die.
This guy gets it. Definitely not English or Crucible, but he's got something special.
You realize TLW takes 2 shots to kill someone? Or maybe you are really dumb? MIDA is far from OP when comparing TTK Jade rabbit - 3 shot kill Colovances duty - 2-3 shot kill Scholar - 2-3 shot kill Thorn - 3 shot kill Hawk moon - 2 shot kill Timurs lash - Possible 2 shot The vanity - Possible 2 shot Uffern - Possible 2 shot AND LITERALLY EVERY OTHER LOW IMPACT SCOUT RIFLE TAKES 4 SHOTS TO KILL..
You do realize your only proving my point with nerfs right I don't have 2 when someone like you really just puts all the statistics of every gun that needs a possible nerf right
So in other words you want to need every scout rifle in the game.. Seems legit
Did he just say he wants hawkmoon nerfed?!?!?!?!
No it's called if all the damn guns cant be balanced like there suppose 2 then they shouldn't be allowed an mida along with snipers need 2 be nerfed one shot snipers is shit when your trying 2 play an can't an getting killed by a pussy mida user is worse since they don't want 2 use any other gun