I deleted my male warlock in vanilla because I wanted to make a Titan and I deleted my male Hunter to get a good looking cloak in HoW
[spoiler]no, I didn't deleted my Hunter for stats.[/spoiler]
I've deleted like 10 different Titans Every time it's because I'm like "hey if I have to level this character I'll use it more" It never works
I've deleted five. Many different reasons. Most recently I deleted my full leveled Titan. I probably will regret it in some ways, but RNG has never been my strong suit. I did it so I can have a chance at better drops of gear. Oh Titan BUBBLE, how you will be missed dearly. Without you crucible would be scrubbish, without you raids would be dull and unplanned. Here's to you oh Titan BUBBLE. Stay true in spirit and live long in my memories.
Deleted a Titan (was originally for my younger sibling) and remade them since I forgot to hold on to my Khovostov and wanted to keep the original, unfixed ship you pick up at the end of the first mission. Also it let me get rid of my spark of light that was taking up space
Edited by Ariana ♥: 4/4/2016 8:23:48 PMAbout 40 Back in vanilla I had a titan Deleted it Warlock deleted it Made 3 hunters Deleted them later Made warlock and another hunter Deleted hunter Made a titan Deleted titan cause thats to much work Made hunter Deleted that and so on
Carbonite flux yay
I only have 1 maxed person ;_; I've been playing since year one
At this point I'm just like screw it
I deleted my first Titan because I didn't have the exo grimoire card. The female exo also has the best dance in the game hands down.
Ø 3 slots to make 3 characters and there's only 3 different characters to play with so why would I make 3 or even 2 of that 1 single character @_@
Deleted my Hunter because I dismantled the quest CT-D
Edited by Lethenza: 4/4/2016 6:59:03 PMThinking about deleting my Titan to make a make one and play the "TTK remix" of Destiny's story campaign. I never spent much time with my Titan, and I would like to try out the class for real.
About 12-18 between beta and demo 1 Warlock on full game
Deleted my hunter to get a makeshift cloak
3 titans, they never looked right. I have one now... I am forcing myself to stick with it.
Made a second hunter to help farm gear for my main, decided I didn't care enough about gear and deleted him for a Warlock.
I'm dedicated to the characters I've made and won't kill, I mean delete, them. =) Another question is whether you'd change your characters' appearances if you could.
I made a 2nd warlock on Xbox and then decided to delete it and make a Titan very early on.
I kept all my characters thus far since I'm not silly enough to create doubles/triples of the same class. [spoiler]I WAS silly (and drunk) enough to accidentally infuse my Susanoo into something else, so planning to delete and redo my warlock for it[/spoiler]
I havent deleted any but i made a new account, this one, because im done for now on the other.
I deleted my warlock so I could remake a hunter and get the stillpiercer and once i get it I'll probably remake a warlock.
In year 1 I had two warlocks and a hunter. when TTK was released and the whole 7-11 thing, I deleted warlock #2 and got my Titan right up to level 20. I never wanted to do the grind again, but doing the first missions as level 20 instead of level 1 made it so much easier and quicker.
1. I created a titan back in Vanilla and realised that marks were not shared. didnt touch it. deleted it when TDB dropped and created 2 hunters. 2. Deleted 1 hunter and created a titan in HoW. 3. Deleted the other hunter and created a warlock in HoW also. xD
2, because i made a 2nd titan real early in vanilla but he got over shadowed by my main titans rise in glory and my 2nd character was my only warlock to make another titan weird right but reason why is imo the warlock isn't my style and I HATE THE JUMP
Like 2 hunters(dont like hunters much) and 2 titans (i didnt like how my titan looked so i remade it and it still looked bad so i remade it again) and 1 warlock (raid gear and trying to farm for the ram in Y1)