Plan C is still great. It sounds like you prefer the PI to PC.
Telesto is great too, but you can't use it like PI. It is more like a trip mine grenade. Use it more to zone control.
I know people keep saying this but my version of zone control is to just kill people rather than deter them and waste ammo :) To each their own though I just truly think for how I play with fusions. It's terrible. As for Plan C, it is still kind of usable but with the range nerf and the damage nerf to fast charging fusions, it's no longer exotic as it doesn't ensure the kill. Thesan is what I use at the moment. Each of my Guardians should have one at the moment if you want to check my roles. These are all very very good, though not my personal god roll which would be: Red-Dot-ORES Army of One Rifled Barrel Unflinching I'm still searching Iron Banner for a good Ashraven's but we all know how this game doesn't give you what you want.
Thesan is great but Plan C is the only fusion rifle that I can put together 20+ kill games with. It's still the best IMHO.
To each their own Guardian. I just love that there are more fusion rifle users out there. I was in an iron banner game solo on the weekend against a fireteam of 6. 4 of them were using Fusion rifles and it warmed my heart :) ...... I still murdered them, we lost the game but I still considered myself a better Fusion user than them all so double win for me :) Also, love that name Hawaii 5-0 is awesome.