In some sense yes. On the other side it isn't transmog at all. Transmog would allow us to use our old y1 gear that doesn't carry high light values. The closest we've been to something similar would be etheric light in HoW.
Edited by Kone19ps: 4/4/2016 3:59:39 PMTrue but year one isn't even considered part of the game really. It's old code and would be gone completely if bungie had their ideal world. They have to leave them in though or people would leave in mass and year one activities would have no rewards because they can't bring the programming forward. The real problem is the snails pace they upgrade. I was excited to see new versions of year one guns but I was expecting more than that handful when I heard. If all guns were ttk versions then It would be transmog
I'd honestly hope you're wrong but I see it coming. I've been holding onto almost every Hunter class item and full suits of gear in hopes we would get an authentic transmog. I'll remain optimistic though...
Edited by Kone19ps: 4/4/2016 4:02:50 PMSame but I pretty much have resigned to only wearing my lead scout cloak in crucible to accent my oryx mask. Really wish I could wear my warlocks iron regalia chest in iron banner still