Simple as that. Complainers about balance and suggesting nerfs, their voices are too overpowered in that bungie listens to them rather than people who actually take time to suggest creative ideas.
I've read so many great posts about creative ways to add to the game... which get overshadowed by the plague of numerous posts about people who can't adapt in combat and want instant gratification In their path to success.
Thanks to all who have calmly suggested new and innovative ideas for this game. We the community who gives a shit enjoy your posts.
And to the game nerfers.... Warning, run on sentence starting now.
No one likes you and how youve destroyed this game. First it was fusions rifles, then you couldn't find a group because you sucked so bad without a gallahorn, which was prolly their suggestion of what was needed, the only thing that would've kept you from dying... until you shot a rocket into a defenders bubble, then it was specific exotics now making them not so shiny and desirable. Then what else will they'll be??
Nerfing suggestors, message from the community that I know....
It you want instant gratification...
Go jerk off and ask your mom to make you a sandwich.
The end.
Edited by PeytonicMaster: 3/31/2016 8:43:34 PMyea f*ck them but specially for huntards because most of the people that whines are main hunters