As an aspiring astrophysicist, I know a thing or two about space. I also know that space is super cool and almost everyone I've ever talked to wants to learn more about it. This is a technique of studying I do with friends and family, as by teaching something that I know, if better cements that concept into my brain.
Fair warning: I don't know everything, and I will let you know if what you're asking is out of my grasp. But I'm pretty good, so fire away.
Is time dilation related more to the speed of light or the distance away from earth the object is?
Can i tickle your anus? Im mean Uranus.
I have heard that (theoretically) if and object (a person) was traveling at or close to the speed of light that time seems to go slower than on Earth. Is this true?
Does andromeda have any earth-like planets?
Have you seen Gallifrey?
I like the space/astronomy field also. I really enjoy black holes and time travel. Anyway, I'll ask you a question. If someone wanted to go with you to a planet, what planet would you suggest. [spoiler]Personally, I would like Mars.[/spoiler]
What is the farthest star
How big is Uranus.
What is space made of? :p
So did Mars ever have an environment similar to Earth's (sustainable for humans to live on with out suits)
How is dark matter detected and how does it affect other things? This was never quite clear to me.
Edited by Alpha: 4/10/2016 5:18:29 AM[b][i][b][i][/i][/b][/i][/b]
How many stars are there?
I'm super into all science, but especially space stuff:) I've done a lot a learning on my own, but I'm not fully clear on what quasars are.
What's the cause or causes for time dilation in space? Love the thread BTW
What are your thoughts on new discovery NASA made observing that ball of energy/light coming out of the black hole?
Explain Gravity to me as best and as simple as you can
If we sent a shit ton of ballons with oxygen into space and busted them will we be able to breath in space?
So far, using gravitational lensing, and the HST, we have seen images of galaxies as they were less than half a billion years after the so called Big Bang. Of course, the further we see into space, the further are looking into the past. But as the Universe has a finite age, is it reasonable to say there is only so far we can possibly see into the observable Universe? If so, what do you think you will see, at the limit?
Do you believe in Time Travel/Multiverse Theory?
What are your thoughts about the alleged discovery of the tetraneutron? Has dark matter been observed, not including its gravitational effect on light [which has been observed]? Are you a quark or boson kinda guy? [there is a right answer]
Are Aliens real?
Bro you need to play quantum break. No spoilers here but you get to mess with space time and you get to see an actual controlled mini black hole.
A fellow astrophysicist...?
How old is the universe? What your answer is I'll base my next question off of.
What are your thoughts on how everything we created such as newtons laws and relativity was abolished upon researching black holes collapsing?