After seeing lots of posts about what your goals are in the game currently. What things do you have left that you can't be bothered to do? Personally I don't care about 320 or completing challenge mode. But what about you?
I've given up on obtaining the hard mode helmet, after running the raid a good 20 times still don't have one
Crux of Crota. I really need it but don't see it happening
Salvage/ rumble grimoire
Completing KF on hard mode. Anybody down?
Level gunsmith for first curse. Grind for skirmish/salvage grimoire.
That stupid black spindle, I've tried so many times but at this point I just don't care.
The stupid sparrow quest
"Overcharge 3 Reached"
I was trying to get to 320 until the division came out.
Imprecation -> The First Curse. It's not undo-able, I'm just lazy as hell.
Void and solar exotic swords, warlock and titan class exclusive weapons, to much grind not enough time
Swords. Don't care.
Grirmore (that includes most activities that go along with it), although it'd be nice to go flawless once
100% Grimoire
Flawless year 2.
Anything PvE related
Chaperone quest, I get too angry seeing my percentage go down. Highest I've been is 40%...
Not going for 320, Not in the mood to do the raid. I'm fine with 314. And I've got to punch 3 cursed thralls in the face on the dreadnought without dying
Kingsfall. No matchmaking no go. Everyone i used to play with has left and i couldnt be stuffed trying to organise 5 or 6 people to do it
Need 91 more rumble wins for grimoire.... Not happening! Just don't like the game mode!
I have never done the hard mode raid, nor do I care to do it.
I still have that kill taken quest from srl
Complete Azoth Bend, missing the boots. KF gear set.
Edited by GodOfRandom: 4/5/2016 4:59:58 PMGetting a Scarab. Or a Doctrine for that matter. Not that I won't, but because I can't. Stats are shit because I get stuck in shit groups. Get stuck in shit groups because my stats are shit.
320 before the update Flawless Touch of Malice
Getting to 320 before the update.