After seeing lots of posts about what your goals are in the game currently. What things do you have left that you can't be bothered to do? Personally I don't care about 320 or completing challenge mode. But what about you?
Getting to 320 before the update.
I don't care about hitting 320, or getting bunch of different weapons through quests. Chaperone, Gunsmith guns for Titan and Warlock...
Chaperone and First Curse - both require PvP.
Only grimoire I have left is some pvp stuff, but I couldn't give less of a shit about this game's broken pvp anymore, also getting my last character 320, stopped playing a while ago after only needing that one class item that would never drop for months.
Up until last weekend it was hard mode Kings Fall. I'd done a couple of the fights but not all the way through. So I decided to wait until Oryx challenge mode week and go for it. Almost got it done, but we took too long in detonating blights and Oryx took the favour. We panicked and ran in but it was way too late. Finally got it done Sunday morning. Now? Just increase the light of my Titan.
Exotic sword quest
Trials. Played 4 games and have never gotten into it again. Pvp in this game is a joke. I'll stick to the raids, they are at least fun.
Exotic class items and the class emblems on my warlock
320, exotic class items for FWC and NM, exotic sword quest for Arc and Void, The first curse quest, and the salvage (i think it's salvage) games need for platinum. The last one will probably get done once I get the new Queenbreakers Bow, but as for now, I just don't have the motivation to do those.
Go flawless I trials
100 rumble wins. I just cant. Im at like 35. Thought i could make the push to at least 50 but if im still gonna be 5 grimoire shy of max whats the point?
320, and the exotic class items. They're pretty pointless, and I've gotten the only one I wanted, the DO titan mark.
First curse - only way to go on a 7 precision-kill streak is to boost, which is lame. Got chaperone honestly.
Multiple radiance kills in crucible. I have 8/30. Not sure how I even managed that many.
320. Don't enjoy raiding
I killed someone using the cursed thrall explosion from the Necro in pvp, I'm pretty proud of that achievement, got so much rage mail from that xD
Exotic swords black spindle touch of malice and chaperone
My Goal List: 1. Get 320 Brave Ghost Shell - Check 2. Reach 320 - Unchecked 3. Get 320 Sleeper Stimulant - Unchecked 4. Go into Iron Banner with all friends and all 6 of us pop our hammers and Suncharge someone down - Unchecked 5. Do the same thing as 4 except with Nova Bomb - Unchecked 6. Beat Oryx on Hard Mode 5 times - 1/5 Completed 7. Fist of Havoc Warpriest (Killing Blow) - Unchecked 8. Get 320 No Land Beyond - No Scope 9. Be 320 in Level Advantage PvP with Black Spindle and go on 1 shot body shot killing spree - Unchecked 10. Same as 4 except with Self Res - Unchecked 11. Out gunned a Doctrine of Passing (while it's still good) when in red health and they are full health (Using primary) - Check
I dint care to do challenge mode oryx for my titan to get a 320 helmet...but i got a 320 helmet from the package rank iron banana...also I didn't bother getting a 320 bond for my warlock because my luck with class items is very baddd..but I got a 320 bond from a rank 5 package from iron banner again...I really got 320 after months of trying from iron -blam!-ing banner...ah week as well before the light level increases...well shitw
Max Grimoire, I think some stuff is unobtainable at this point.
ToO. I've not been able to develop my crucible skills enough to feel comfortable in tackling it. I've managed to get my kd up to about 1.0 and recently been around 1.5.
The "replay vanilla story" quest Hard mode/challenge mode kings fall Vex Mythoclast Grimore obviously
100 Rumble wins
2 Titan emblems. One being that I can get the striker quest to show up for some reason. And make the vanguard smile quest I've had sitting since ttk came out.
Crucible grimoire is basically all I have left. Working on class exotics.