After seeing lots of posts about what your goals are in the game currently. What things do you have left that you can't be bothered to do? Personally I don't care about 320 or completing challenge mode. But what about you?
Edited by Heidegger: 4/10/2016 3:34:22 PM[u]First Curse[/u] Eventually I will force myself to do it, I really want the gun but I don't want to use the Imprecation! [u]Chaperone[/u] When I get my Y2 Universal Remote I will use that in the crucible to finish the shotgun part of the quest. Random Quests like Energy Burst......will never be finished
Kings fall. I gave up trying to find a team to help me run it a long time ago.
Getting 320 i may get it with the April update but I doubt I'll reach the new 335 maxed lvl
Would just like to go flawless before I'm done and complete KF hard raid
Doing more Trials. I've really had enough of doing those bounties, only to get a 303 artifact from the Gold tier Generally not fun, so I don't think I'm even going to bother going to the Lighthouse
Getting a 320 class item.
The red bull sparrow and getting to 320 before Tuesday stuck at 319 and 2 318's.
Hardmode oryx
Play this shit game anymore. I've [u]always[/u] supported bungie and backed up destiny, defending it in long arguments on these forums. I just can't do it anymore. They've ruined the game. All the weapons we come to love, (TLW, Mida, Vex Mythoclast, Icebreaker, Gjallarhorn, to name a few) they just break and make useless. I'm talking PVE and PVP here. Their answer to everything is to nerf it, rather than buff other weapons. Any more nerfs will reduce the crucible to a dull, boring, slow paced environment. During HoW, shotguns and handcannons were OP as hell, but you know what? It was [u]FUN[/u]. Mida, for example; absolutely nothing wrong with that gun for a whole year and a half and now, because it's overused - they nerf it. Before someone jumps on me, look at my stats; I barely have any kills with Mida and most of the kills I do have are in PVE. Qullims Terminus? Again, nothing wrong with it at all. Exactly the same stats as ruin wake and other mgs, yet only Qullims gets nerfed (besides blanket heavy ammo nerf) Why? Because it's easy to aquire from challenge mode and lots of people have it. Nothing to do with it being 'OP', because it's not. They could have increased the timer on heavy and special ammo in crucible and reduced how much ammo it gives you even more than they did last time (2.0). They could have made it so you lost special ammo if you die. Perhaps a bad idea, but I'm just saying surely there's better options than what they're doing? But no - let's reduce max ammo inventory and f*ck over PVE players. I haven't played properly since December and was really hopeful that the April update would entice me back. If anything, it's done the opposite and unfortunately put the final nail in the coffin for me - for Destiny. Also, who in their right mind would put any more money into this game? Haven't we invested enough already? Season passes for [u]most other games[/u] cost less than TTK did alone! I very much doubt I'll come back to Destiny now and my apologies for the rant - I just care(d) about this game and Bungie are making it very hard to continue playing. Let's hope they do better with a clean slate and Destiny 2.
Flawless. Fml. But I have beaten the raid on hard a few times all challenges.
Finishing the red bull quest
Start the game. 😂
Edited by Ken_Malibu: 4/10/2016 4:32:22 PMGo flawless. Will try but am a total PvP scrub. I think other than a couple of voidwalker quests and some year 1 exotics I've done everything in TTK. So bored I even do Shaxx crucible quests and Trials now. Never got this game for PvP and have no previous experience since Goldeneye (4 way split screen!!!) on N64 but it can be bloody fun. Especially with a hunter.
Go to the Lighthouse or reach 320. Oh well.
Flawless raider (really don't give a shit), max grimoire (again... Idgaf), skolas to get lord of wolves and dregs (hate doing prison), and strike exclusives (cause strikes are freaking useless)
Collect every calcified fragment, i came close on my first hunter, deleted her and just never bothered going back and doing it.
Well getting 320 (not that it matters now) and getting raze lighter. I'm too lazy to patrol moon the get the 10 material I need.
Haven't done KF hardmode
KF and I need 3 Fragments to get ToM
Doing KF at all ;) never mind 320, I am at 312 since December ;)
The First Curse/No Time to Explain Quest(does it really matter?) for a while I thought it would be doing the quest for the Raze-Lighter/Bolt-Caster but I got the Raze-Lighter a few days ago and now I'm just waiting for Armsday for the delivery of the final stage of the Bolt-Caster. I just hope I can find someone to do the final stage with
EXOTIC SWORD. no resource hunting for me.
Kings fall hard mode.
Finishing kings fall at all
Getting the KF helmets, getting 320, going flawless again
99 more rumble wins and 3 320 class items which I still haven't got after 80+ hard mode completions -.-'