If you nerf PvP, you're killing PvE! On the same note, if you nerf PvE, what exactly does it kill? NOTHING so either git gud or STFU! Another option would be get rid of PvP but that's not gonna happen!
Sunbreaker = Ultimate clutch/tank class pre-nerf. Post nerf? A running bullseye. Blade dancer = Game changer pre-nerf. Post nerf? Good for PVP and the occasional medic only. Said it before, I'll say it again. Warlocks were and are next because some pea brain people don't understand tactics and strategic planning. And this poster I'm replying to right now? I understand your emotion. However, channel it better...
Sunbreakers were EXTREMELY satisfying before the nerf but thanks to PvP, it's not even doing anything in PvE other than causing a distraction.
Exactly. Now it's back to being a bubble boy in any raid making it not so much fun anymore. Those pyre lord arms are collecting dust. Sigh *Puts on Saint 14 Helm and trots off to a raid*