Bramd - old
We shall *closes eyes* -
*prays to all Gods*
Bramd - old
*you unknowingly pray to me* *prays to many gods (I have a little history with some of them)* -
i pray to every god, i know little faith to one particular god
Bramd - old
You did pray to me tho... An ex God having family problems... -
well in that case...
Bramd - old
No, it's okay... -
i shall make you my sole god i pray to
Bramd - old
No, no. I don't need that, thanks I- I think there is a visitor that wants to fight. *dissolves into the ground* -
? where'd you go?
Bramd - old
*wit approaches* I thought I saw Mortar here... But he just dissolves into the ground... Hello, sir, what are you doing? [spoiler]new character[/spoiler] -
well, i was about to pray to Mortar, but as you saw, he disappeared!
Bramd - old
He does that He usually uses it in combat and transportation... Just a way to get around the underworld... Or here... Did he mention his family? -
he said he has family problems...
Bramd - old
Welp... He no longer considers himself a god... I may have played a role in that... -
hmm how come?
Bramd - old
I may have died, and he brought me back, which angered his superiors, or his family, and they no longer consider him a god -
well i consider him a god. it doesnt matter what they think
Bramd - old
Well... It's gotten to the point where he doesn't want to be a god, just a warrior here. -
he'll still be considering a god by me
Bramd - old
okay then. It may be annoying to him... but okay. -
he will come around
Bramd - old
Well... There was this ritual and everything... -
what happened?
Bramd - old
I wasn't there, but he had to sacrifice his status, some powers of the gods, and the ability to enter the underworld... *rubs fingers on temples*