originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
What are you ?
"I should probably go.....
*starts feeling uneasy as my inner self is telling me to run*
Edited by BrandRobKus: 4/6/2016 3:54:32 PMBrandRobKus
Bramd - old
*stares at you again* See what the truth holds *you feel something behind you.* *You look behind you, and see mortar* Looks like a distorted clone got out -
*jumps back when i see you besides me* what was that thing? And what clone? I had to stab myself to get its hold of me *holds up my still bleeding handing and i watch dark blood slowly trickle down my arm*
Bramd - old
Just a personality trait for clones All clones have a distorted version *looks at you in an odd way* You didn't know that? -
Nope and that didn't feel like a clone. I gonna have to sew my hand up. *getting out needle thread* This gonna be difficult im right handed and stabbed that hand
Bramd - old
I got something for that *hands you an odd cloth* This cloth heals stuff without needle and thread. Long story short, not all clones are normal and some have different traits I just use clones to help fight multiple people. -
Thanks * takes cloth and put over the deep cut on my hand* so how before this works?
Bramd - old
It'll be about an hour or 2 -
Bramd - old
You should be fine -
Alright then
Bramd - old
One more thing... If you see any more clones like that... You can kill them. They don't do too bad things, but they creep people out *dissolves into the ground* -
Okay i will