Main aim of any raid is to have fun! It makes all the diff if peeps get on with each other. We can but give it a go eh? Be fun. :)
Do you play on Xbox or PlayStation?
Okay cool, count me it!
Yay! It shuld be a completely new team of 6 so might be weird to start off with but should be fun times anyway! We can def do a crota or something first and if u need the hard challenge mode from KF im sure my usual raid team and I can help u get the 320 stuff! I'll add u when I get home. :)
Okay! I have two other friends that want to raid so they could join in when needed!
Im at work today but off morro if u fancy teaming up. Def wanna do a skolas(mayb tonight) etc and we could do a crota hard sunday and go into KF. I'll prob try n do trials 4 bounties too. Let me know. :)
Okay! You can put a post in the community board and I'll look at it when I'm online soon