Thank you. Your dojo appears to be an excellent place to increase my skills to new heights. Before I begin, I must ask if there is a place to eat. I have grown hungry after my long journey
Bramd - old
*we approach the Dojo's wall* This is where we part ways... for now. There's a tea place over there *points east* -
*bows in farewell and respect* Thank you. I we'll see you again soon
Bramd - old
I forgot to ask... You look like you came from Oregon, did you? -
Yes, I did. There was a dojo there but it was destroyed by an unknown force. So I traveled to a new dojo. Once there, I heard of this dojo of legend.
Bramd - old
Well... I can say the same about the first 2 dojos. The first one was overrun by lennies. The second, well, people just... Disappeared. -
Bramd - old
And you. [spoiler]Also... If you want to get in, make a post saying you want to fight, and I might fight you, to... see what you got.[/spoiler] *dissolves into the ground, going under the wall and into the dojo*