[b]right before you slash it it extends to a scythe and hits you in the face[/b]
*Flinches back before grabbing your weapon* "Interesting...." *throws your weapon behind me, and slashes, sending waves of energy at you*
Edited by JealousOrc: 4/7/2016 2:02:55 AM[spoiler]you block the move?[/spoiler] [b]i jump away from the waves[/b]
[spoiler]No, I took the hit[/spoiler] *Casts Firaga and Thundaga, calling down a massive fireball coated with lightning down on you*
That looks deadly. [b]opens a portal above me and another above you[/b]
*Directs the ball down on me and it hits you point blank, releasing a massive explosion that burns and stuns you*
OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!!!!! [b]rolls around on the floor[/b]
*Casts waterga, blasting you with a highly pressurized water*
[b]goes flying back because the water[/b] That hurt... but feels so much better than fire. [b]lays on the ground hurt[/b]
*Casts Curaga* "Good fight man" *Offers to help you up*
[b]grabs your hand and pulls you down on the ground[/b] [b]gets up and stomps on your chest[/b] It's not done
*Flicks my hand and blades made of ice form around you, ready to pierce you* "Ya sure about that?"
Yeah. Pretty sure. [b]fire spears surround me in a circle and burn the ice swords[/b]
*The ice is a special kind of ice, Stalhrim, that doesn't melt. I then flick my wrist and the swords slash you repeatedly, and I grab my Gunblade and Fire charged shots point blank*
[spoiler]dang :/[/spoiler] [spoiler]if only I had my pants...[/spoiler] [spoiler]oh wait, I do[/spoiler] [b]uses pants[/b] [b]i grab a spear and slice down your cheek to leave a scar[/b] [spoiler]gg if you get that reference[/spoiler]
[spoiler]GG[/spoiler] [spoiler]I don't get the reference, but nice counter[/spoiler] *Grabs you and slices both of us with the ice swords*
[spoiler]thx, pants last 2 turns btw so...[/spoiler] [b]pants block the slice[/b] Good fight. Wanna end it on a draw? [b]keeps the spear aimed at your face[/b]
*Ice blades are pointed at your back* "Yeah, let's." *Drinks a potion, healing me* "Glad to see you've improved, I would have been upset if you hadn't" *offers a handshake*
[b]shakes your hand and doesn't notice the swords[/b] Can I have one of those potions too?
"Ya" *Hands you a potion*
[b]drinks it[/b]