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Edited by Dar'agh: 4/7/2016 5:43:30 AM

Circle of Life? What's that???

So Bungie, ever hear of a perk called Circle of life? Neither has anyone else in the player base, and probably most of Bungie HQ. Bet you can't guess what Subclass it's in. Probably could even guess the class. Well, let me help you: It's the first person you unlock for the Gunslinger's Throwing Knives ability and IT THE MOST USELESS PERK KNOW TO GUARDIANS EVERYWHERE. Circle of Life: [quote] Killing an enemy with Throwing Knife while Golden Gun is active extends the duration of Golden Gun. Also increase armor by 1.[/quote] Seems like an ok perk but it's practically a handicap to try to use it! What Hunter in their right mind would try to use a Throwing knife when they have their Golden Gun out?!? NONE OF THEM. In PvP, it's an absolute garbage idea since you can just one shot a guardian with you Golden Gun (the point of having it out), and if you do find a killable target, since the only way to get a Throwing Knife kill is to hit a weakened enemy, the odds of hitting with your knife vs hitting with your GG is something like 1:1000 (Estimated but nowhere near an exaggeration). And don't even say the bonus armor makes it the slightest bit useful because that 1 armor equates to like 2~3, literally making no noticeable difference ANYWHERE or than making you armor stay look a little bigger. This perk has been in Destiny since the Alpha (although not usable until the official release) and it's absolutely ridiculous that it's been unaddressed, NOT EVEN ONCE, by anyone! The perk instantly became useless when Throwing knife damage was reduce before the game's official release: IT WASN'T EVEN USABLE AT LAUNCH BECAUSE IT WAS RUINED BEFORE IT WAS EVEN AVAILABLE FOR PLAYER USE. Please fix this Bungie, us Gunslinger's want a fully functional and viable Subclass. Sincerely, "The only guy who remember's what the Circle of Life perk is"

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