[quote]For all other Tower High posts, you can find them all linked on the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/176176926/0/0]Overview Post[/url].[/quote]
[i]Redacting the King's Fall posts, sorry y'all[/i]
So are you just done with this or what... #TitanMasterRace
Just wanna make sure Sal hasn't stopped posting these cuz I love them.
A racial reference? You watched Zootopia, didn't you.
Looked back at the PoE episodes. Found what I needed. YOU CANNOT FOOL MEH.
But what if the cloak is white and gold? [spoiler]Dress reference cunfurmed.[/spoiler]
First. #TitanMasterRace
still posting this cringey shit?
Edited by Bacon Whispers: 4/8/2016 10:10:11 PMI'm never killing Golgoroth again R.I.P Warpriest
Edited by garycomehome72: 4/8/2016 9:45:21 PMSolis is black?! [spoiler]Not that I'm racist[/spoiler]
[i] [/i]
Love it so much dude. The only thing I don't like is waiting for part 7 to come out! [i]~awesomeDaniel10[/i]
As they were running bubbles should have said its all ogre now
[i] [/i]
Edited by Sniper: 4/8/2016 3:01:27 PMHey guys if you want the link to the full list of all the posts that he has made here it is. Bump this comment so other people can get the full link. This series is great :) https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/176176926/0/0
Edited by Chromo: 4/8/2016 2:38:19 PMThe hunter ahead of them is Blades from the future. Possibly Nare. Remove the A from blades along with the E and then use the d and l to make an N, then use the B and s to make a r, then bippidy boppidy boop you have Nare is Blades Bush did 9/11 illuminati confirm!------------------------A---------------------------------------------------------- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/----\aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/-<o>-\aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa/________\aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
...ok then let the overthinking begin [spoiler]Crimson armor+black and blue cape and Blades has a black and blue cape connection? /\ / • \ /____\Confirmed?[/spoiler]
Inspirational dude. Absolutely amazing. I almost cried when golgoroth started talking about his pal the warpriest
Can someone link his post with the link to all of them
Edited by Unicorn: 4/8/2016 2:35:57 AM[deleted]
Guys it was blades.
Brilliant! I love how you make a lot of creative ideas in the series!
Edited by An Engram Full Of Bees: 4/7/2016 11:12:23 PMSeems like a couple people are confused about the ending for this part. The last line has something to do with another part earlier in post. It'll make more sense soon ;)
I knew that Glorgloth would be friendly.
Had to go back and read part 5 to make sure I didn't miss anything. Boy, you [i]do[/i] have something up your sleeve, don't you? You sneaky, sly.... :P I can only say that I hope this isn't what it looks like. I've already thought of a couple ways this could go. And after the big Golgy pep-talk about trusting your friends, too!