originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[spoiler]ibh i dont care, ill find out[/spoiler]
[b]As he slashes he forms to shadow and you get a vicious slahs to the back of your knee, hamstringing you, and forcing you to kneel on your left knee as it buckles[/b]
Bramd - old
*while this happens, you noticed that my arm seemed to be returned* Energy can't be destroyed *dissolves into the ground and waits* -
[spoiler]oh boy, is that a challenge[/spoiler] [b]he simply blasts a wave of 40,000 amps into the ground, if you don't reform you die[/b]
Bramd - old
*a fault opens up, and with it a large blob of black smoke, a sound sounding like "damn you" is emitted from it*