Am I the only one who is sickened by this?!
How would [b]YOU[/b] like it if someone played kick-the-deodorant-stick with your [b]FACE[/b], huh?!
And how would [b]YOU[/b] feel if some thunder-thighs Titan kept farting on you while his buddies just pushed you off a [b]CLIFF[/b]?!
[i]You wouldn't like it.[/i]
This community sickens me sometimes, but this savagery really takes the cake. The dead-as-nails doormat playing possum on the moon was bad enough, but to put another desecrated corpse in the [b]REEF[/b]?!
That is the last straw.
I personally love kicking him off the edge and waiting for the explosion at the bottom.