originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
Hey guys and gals, I saw the don't touch me gloves Xur has right now. I noticed a picture of them online shows them at 366 defense. I didn't know armor could get that high.I assume it has to do with the perks on them correct? and if you do get them to 366 with the perks, can you infuse it into other gauntlets to make them 366?
The image you've seen was an outdated picture of an likewise outdated video. In the current state of Destiny, Gauntlets and all other armor can only reach 320 Defense, and with the April Update, the maximum will be raised to 335 Defense.
You're seeing the year 1 gauntlets before Light levels were changed. The gauntlets that Xûr is selling start at 280 and have a max of 320 until Tuesday's update. Then they'll go to 335.
That was a pic from year 1 when damage and light was calculated differently.
that was the year 1 photo you saw.The cap defends was a lot higher then.Now they are 280