[quote]Sniper inventory reduced by 5-7 shots. That's freaking huge!
Let's talk math(exciting I know lol)
If I have 23 rounds max on my stillpiercer, with boots on and all.
For simplicity sake let's say to a pve boss I do a flat 1000 per hit.
Now with hit to ammo lets use avg and say 6 rounds removed
That is a 26% reduction in potential damage (over a quarter)
That's horrible, and a bad call please bump and comment maybe someone will see this
Edit, I have never trended before so thanks to all[/quote]
It's about time snipers get shut down. We have 1 sniper for the ##Destiny1000. Plus that pos Doctrine got crushed.
... We were talking about PvE. This is a really good change for PvP, but will be horrible for the raid.
What are you stupid ? People here are more concerned over pve and you start babbling trash.
I was thinking of pve