They should've brought back field scout. Why they ever nerfed that is beyond me...
Field Scout was overpowered as a perk. Field Scout and Extended Mag should become one perk, Field Mag. No reason to keep them separate imo
It's better now. For shotties you can hold more ammo and sand for other weapons
I used to like it but it was done to hurt thunderlord and a couple others
Thunderlord's signature perk was rendered useless with a smaller magazine.
There really wasn't any reason, I think, for it to have been nerfed. Granted, I don't think any Y2 weapons have it, but still...
I had an awesome jolders hammer, with a 50 round mag, that was one reason.
Oh man, I miss my Jolder's Hammer. Crowd Control, Field Scout and Rangefinder let me snipe people with 2 shots. I sometimes miss Y1...