Firstly, [i]"Horror"[/i] is a bit of an exaggeration to get readers attention (Hopefully it works!)
What I really meant was share the [i]Private messages[/i] you have received from random people (Descriptively) on
> Random Trolling
> Guys hitting on you
> Hateful messages
> Death threats
> "Pics" (descriptively of course)
> Guys hitting on you
Why do I want to know about your "Horror Stories"?
It is because I want to remind people of how they behave on the forums.
My "Private message Horror Story":
[spoiler]I have only been a user here for a short period of time so I have yet any random privates messages to share with you.
But I do play games and every now and then you receive a hateful message randomly and I remember getting top player on the scoreboard and this guy who obviously got so mad he message me saying:
"Kill yourself, you suck!"
At first it felt like a death threat but really it was a hateful message, he came second place by the way. [/spoiler]
The website has a Code of Conduct meaning pictures or conversations with the other usernames is prohibit and counts as names shaming (unsure).
So I don't support the idea of name shaming but if you really really really want to name shame someone, well you have been warned.
I feel sorry for u. Pussy ass fusion rifle skill. I just got that message from a Sunsinger Warlock that had Viking Funeral and a Party Crasher equipped. He tasted the Give & Take Equation a lot.