This post is for xbox one users. Here you can find a team to go flawless. If you haven't noticed it. Destiny reset everyones Elo score, so yeah, check for yourself. Good luck guardians! I will have a link to Destiny Trials Report for you guys to use.
Edited by CrazyxNinja5: 4/8/2016 10:26:16 PMNeed 1 xb1. Be 300+ light looking to go flawless gt is darkarmeddemon
Need one for a chill run message SwolBroHamLinkn
Inv if you need 1 Gt is iQtv 1.4 kd
Need one for trials only doing bounties! If you just want to get some bounties done msg gt same as above.
26x flawless. 8kd 1%div on Destinytracker. Looking to join legit good flawless squad. GT:TheHillman8er
ToO Xbox One Lets have fun and get flawless kicked out of the way Requirements... •310 light plus •1.2+ kd •1500+ elo Must be good Please message your sub class and KD Msg Gt above
Need 1 more to run bounties. Gt is funkytarantula
Looking for 1 flawless doing no boon run 1st 1500+ elo 1.3 kd + msg same
Hey guys I'm live over at! I will be doing double carries until I pass out! I'm rank #1 on Xbox for kills a game in trials and an one of the most accurate snipers on Xbox! Please come by and say hi and get active in chat!! If I'm doing a run when you stop by stick around and possibly learn a thing or two and interact with me and chat!! APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU!!
ToO Xbox One Lets have fun and get flawless kicked out of the way Requirements... •310 light plus •1.2+ kd •1500+ elo Must be good Please message your sub class and KD Msg Gt above
Need 1 for flawless trials run- Must be 1550+ elo- Have a 1.2+ kd- Message THRA5H3R10 for invite-
Flawless run message CjBLADEDANCE
Need 1 with quick res and doctrine need 1200 elo
Looking to just play a little to get wormed up 317 hunter Quick res Good sniper Inv: xlukex90x
Need 1 with mic and fast res with a 1.5 kd and a 1400 elo or better
Hey guys I'm live over at! I will be doing double carries until I pass out! I'm rank #1 on Xbox for kills a game in trials and an one of the most accurate snipers on Xbox! Please come by and say hi and get active in chat!! If I'm doing a run when you stop by stick around and possibly learn a thing or two and interact with me and chat!! APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU!!
320 Hunter 1.7 KD 1943 Elo LFG For quick flawless BOTH MUST BE 1.6+ KD NOT CARRYING ANYONE INV ME TO GAME. GT SAME (Don't ask for INV)
Looking for 2 chill players for bounties and flawless. Just have fun and be mature
Looking to just play a little to get wormed up 317 hunter Quick res Good sniper Inv: xlukex90x
305 Titan looking for some like minded sweaties to go flawless. I am ~1.3 kid, flawless maybe 70 times.
Need 1 for flawless run. Must have High Gold+ Elo. Msg for inv on xb1.
313 Titan looking for flawless run 18+ please message on Xbox for invite
318 Lock LfG 1500+ elo & 1+ KD Don't message. Inv GT^^
Need someone to help me in trials message oo torch if your down
Looking For 1 Flawless Doing No Boons 1st 1500+ 1.3KD Must have been flawless b4
313 Titan looking for flawless