This post is for xbox one users. Here you can find a team to go flawless. If you haven't noticed it. Destiny reset everyones Elo score, so yeah, check for yourself. Good luck guardians! I will have a link to Destiny Trials Report for you guys to use.
Two 12-0 players here looking for a third to hunt scarab must have flawless yr2 message Swankee Pikachu
2 crap plays looking to have a bit of fun message Xbox one
Two 12-0 players here looking for a third to hunt scarab must have flawless yr2 message Swankee Pikachu
Need 2 message me no scrubs :)
2 crap plays looking to have a bit of fun message Xbox one
316 hunter 1760 Elo Scarab 1.40 kd Need 2 for a flawless run must have 1700 Elo+ 1.10 kd +
316 hunter 1760 Elo Scarab 1.40 kd Need 2 for a flawless run must have 1700 Elo+ 1.10 kd +
MSG mtrx71 For Flawless run Send Ur Stats And Class INCLUDING KD ........ill be checking I'm a 1.59
Need one for flawless, my trials kd is 3.3 and elo top 1% My friends trials kd is 1.5 You should have trials kd of 1.5+ Message me if you meet the one and only requirement, I will check so do not try to lie, gt below Carry is real
1.1 kd 1475 Elo .75 kd 1200 Elo. We are looking for someone who can try and double carry us. Not horrible players but need some help. Just trying to be honest fellas.
1.07Kd 1576elo looking for similiar stats msg ace of poker100
Looking for two for bounties and maybe get lucky. Chill ppl only. GT same as above msg for invite
Need 1 more. 306 titan looking to complete bounties. Gt same as above Msg me or invite me on live.
317 self res worlock Flawless 10+ 1500 Elo Inv
Edited by Str8 Bad Luck: 4/8/2016 8:52:18 PM312 Titan doing bounties and passage coin run GT Str8 Bad Luck
.9 kd 1200 elo wondering if some people would help carry me not bad player just hate this map gt same as above
316 warlock for trials. Havnt played the game in donkeys so rusty as hell. Don't give a shit can just play for bounties. GT same as name Xbox one
Need 2 trials. Trying to do my bounties. Msg same gt as above for invite.
Need group Self res quick res warlock Scarab 1 kd 14 x flawless 1500 elo Lookin for similar or better
1.1 kd 1475 Elo .75 kd 1200 Elo. We are looking for someone who can try and double carry us. Not horrible players but need some help. Just trying to be honest fellas.
1.35 kd and 1567 elo looking for 2 with similar stats for flawless run. Gt same as above
I need 2 sweaties for an easy flawless... message me i you're amazing
Need 2 for a good run of trials have over a 1.2 kd and be able to carry yourself message the gamertag above
316 hunter 1760 Elo Scarab 1.40 kd Need 1 for a flawless run must have 1700 Elo+ 1.10 kd +
Need one for trials message garseeyahh