This post is for xbox one users. Here you can find a team to go flawless. If you haven't noticed it. Destiny reset everyones Elo score, so yeah, check for yourself. Good luck guardians! I will have a link to Destiny Trials Report for you guys to use.
Need one for trials message garseeyahh
Trials 1500+ Elo Carry your own weight
Doing trials Message Tj Moore02
Gt partycrime 317 Titan Multiple flawless
Need 1 player with 1+ kd to roll with my buddy and I
I need 2 sweaties for an easy flawless... message me i you're amazing
318 Titan looking for a trials team
I have 2000 Elo and I'm top 300 in trials dtr score with a 1.74 kd message elite clutch em your kd 1.5 plus
1.3+kd only Message me your kd for invite
I have 2000 Elo and I'm top 300 in trials dtr score with a 1.74 kd message elite clutch em your kd 1.5 plus
Need 1 atleast 1.5kd gt xxstickdeathxx
316 hunter 1760 Elo Scarab 1.40 kd Need 1 for a flawless run must have 1700 Elo+ 1.10 kd +
Need 1 for flawless run Must have 1900+ elo and decently positive kd Msg gt above for inv Need communication
Need one more for trials gt ^
Looking for a team with similar stats Top 1% for Trials Inv GT KarMa Blakey
Need group Self res quick res warlock Scarab 1 kd 14 x flawless 1500 elo Lookin for similar or better
I need 2 sweaties for an easy flawless... message me i you're amazing
Need one to help carry my friend. Please have positive KD msg for inv ^^^
Need 2 310+ with 1.1+ KD for flawless
Need 1 sweaty player who can hold their own message Gabe greatman for flawless run!!! 1.5 kd+ 1500 eslo
319 Titan 1643 ELO 1.33 kd need ONE with similar stats looking to go flawless gt: SERR4NO MURD3Rz
315 hunter need 2 positive kd players who can communicate. #6191 in revives with a 6 month gap of no play. (I am salty about revive nerf)
Looking for 1 guardian for a decent run to the lighthouse, not looking to make miracles happen. Message me if you would like to play. Fresh bub08
Need one to help carry my friend. Please have positive KD msg for inv ^^^
I have 2000 Elo and I'm top 300 in trials dtr score with a 1.74 kd message elite clutch em your kd 1.5 plus
I'm a 1.22 kd hunter. (Year one screwed my stats) Msg me if you have similar stats 1.2+ kd. Gt same as above. P.s. If your just going to scream cause you die... Don't message me...