This post is for xbox one users. Here you can find a team to go flawless. If you haven't noticed it. Destiny reset everyones Elo score, so yeah, check for yourself. Good luck guardians! I will have a link to Destiny Trials Report for you guys to use.
1500 elo, warlock, and a warlock, looking for one more GOOD player. DO NOT WASTE OUR TIME WITH SCRUBS, WE CANT CARRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gt same, send MESSAGE FOR INVITE please.
Need 2 to help me go flawless for first time add datiksta
Need 1 more for trials. Looking to get some bounties done and go flawless while we're at it. Message Sammyg22.
1.47 KD. GT: [b]We Are Grooot [/b]
Need 2 for scarab farm with 1.0 Kd plus and 1500 elo plus Msg not pro dangles for invite *WARNING* you will be kicked if under these stats by alot.
Need 2 for scarab farm with 1.0 Kd plus and 1500 elo plus Msg not pro dangles for invite *WARNING* you will be kicked if under these stats by alot.
317 warlock w/ scarab 27x flawless 1742 Elo 1.3 kd 72% wins looking for serious team to go flawless. Must be same or better stats msg gt above
314 light hunter lfg for trails...want to clear bounties and would be nice to get more than 3 wins for a change gt obsidianfoxx
Need 2 for trials message me on xbox Gt: cococolaninja Requirements Light 310+ No squeaker Mic
320 titan been flawless many times yr 2 KD positive looking to join to really strong multi flawless players inv on xbl "Dr Chocolate 2U"
1.07Kd 1576elo looking for similiar stats msg ace of poker100
Need one for trials who can hold their own Gt = mr meatswinger Both been flawess / beetle emblem
310 been flawless 7 times before ttk looking for serious group
Need 1 for bounties gt above
Need two decent players for flawless to send message for inv
Need 2 for flawless run message me for invite gt badflyerkid7
315 titan looking for a team. Gt ItsjustDano
Need 1 good player for flawless gt above
Need 2 for flawless run lets play hard have fun message me for invite gt badflyerkid7
Need 2 for bounties NO MIC Please don't be shit
Top 1% 50 dtr 1850 elo 1.6 Titan. Need 2 team players for fast flawless. Nothing less than a 1.5kd. MUST BE SIMILAR STATS TO ME, DO NOT MESSAGE ME IF YOU DONT MEET THESE REQS.
Need two [b]HARCORE[/b] players for Trials. You must be able to hold your own. Must have gone flawless before. I will be checking stats. I need a warlock and a hunter
Need one for flawless run 1.2 kd + 1600+ elo I Will check stat Gt same
313 Titan 1760 Elo Scarab 1.40 kd Need 2 for a flawless run must have 1600 Elo+ 1.10 kd +
Average player would like to go flawless if anyone can help. Gt same
Need one person for flawless please be decent