I've been 8-0 like five or six times. I've had streamers guarantee me a lighthouse run, only to fail like 7 or 8 games in. I've had good players offer runs, nothing.
I'm not [b]that[/b] bad. I'm not MLG pro, but I'm not a stupid player. I play well with my teammates. I try to make smart decisions. I just cannot get to the lighthouse.
At this point, I've given up trying. I've just accepted that I will never see the lighthouse. It's frustrating, knowing I have 320 characters and I've done everything else there is to do in Destiny, but I just can't get flawless.
Anyone else out there feel the same way?
I don't care for trials. I've played some for bounties but that's it. Just don't like crucible much at all really. I suppose if I was skilled it may be different, but doubt it. I play video games to relax, not compete so I'm not even gonna try to get there and that is fine.