I am a snake. I move where I want and do what I want. The animal kingdom has no rules and I enjoy exploiting my nonexistent barriers. Basically, I have no limits so step off. The thing that makes me so mad is when those ugly looking Buffaloes make fun of me and be like, "Slither, slither! Go eat a mouse". I am not an idiot. If I was a cottonmouth I would of attempted to poison them with my fangs but they would probably crush me. Dang. I am a cobra, basically I'm a savage b**ch. I just slide of and yell "Go HISS yourself". They proceed to try and smash me but, of course...I'm too fast for them. I would then spray them in the eyes with paralysis shock venom and destroy their sight with ease. Don't mess with me. I'm a goldfish. A snack that bites you back.
Here's it in green text form
[spoiler]>be me, a snake
> i be mindin my business
>scaring kids
>be goin by water meme
>two thugs make fun of me
>call my ddos friends
>beat those dongers up
>daily life in my scales
"Basically I have no limits" try running or flying then mo fo! ;)
Snakes are venomous and aren't poisonous. They envenomate not poison.
The animal kingdom does have rules. Oh, and, Taipans and Sea Snakes are far more savage than you'll ever be.
11/10 would read again
Good for you snake!
I'm a fish
I love this
Did you watch "I'm a snake" yet
You're a snake? That's pretty gay m8. [spoiler]imma trex rawr[/spoiler]