I recently read up about the April update and I was astonished to see that Playstation has yet again gotten more exclusive content. Exclusives in general just irritate me because it shows that the developer, Bungie in this case, favors one side to the other. I understand that Bungie and Microsoft ended in a bad note when Microsoft rejected the potential Destiny in 2008 and told Bungie to make Halo ODST instead. Since then, Bungie has been all about Playstation since the revival of Destiny in 2014.
I just wanted to add my opinion to the situation. Bungie has a certain unpleasant past with Xbox, I understand that. However, I still don't understand why Bungie seems to leave us in the dust. Playstation gets more sparrows, strikes, weapons, shaders, armor, etc., almost a quarter more content than Xbox. Bungie probably has a paid deal with Playstation, whatever, but its still unfair to push Xbox users under the dust. Can we get something exclusive? Even a simple shader would be nice. I just want to see Bungie giving each side an equal amount of different exclusive content, or just get rid of it in general.
Im almost positive Playstation users are going to come to this Topic and promote how Playstation is superior. Us Xbox users understand that, and we get it.
All Im trying to say is that Bungie should give Xbox at least a shader to show us they arent being biased as a developer.
Kind of a rant, and kind of messy, but those were my thoughts. Its just not fair that Playstation has even more content with future updates, even if its due to Bungie and Playstation having a contract together. I love this game, but it's getting out of hand.
What do you Guardians think? I'd like to know.
Sony gave Bungie money. Microsoft did not. Pretty simple to understand. Don't like it. Bitch to Microsoft.