*Koldraxon, from wherever he actually is, is confused as to how you got here, in -his- domain, unless you speak to his surrogate, whom has since become Sentient due to Kol's Gift, and it has evolved into a Chroma in service to him.*
IF you refer directly to Koldraxon and are at his location, wherever he is:
"How did you get here? I know that we don't know eachother, that isn't relevant right now. What anomaly is this? Good. I have taken general interest in the Dojo in this particular planet. Do you have a problem with this?"
OR, if you seek his surrogate (Chroma of Kol):
*The Surrogate, now identified as Kol/Chroma or Chroma of Kol, deploys one of it's forms from the orbiting circle of many of these.*
"You don't know us. That emission must be my new primary form, which looms above this place and it acts as my home, my 'heart'; if you have a problem with that I'll move it. That is a positive outcome for my embodimental form is distracted by two females trying to kill it in a duel. They broke my arm and I have replaced it. We were sent here as to learn from the Dojo but these two have since distracted me, and others had ended up simply walking into this situation."
"We regret to inform you that I am distracted by this combat and may not be able to answer anything for the time being but this form will answer 'how did I become this' if you are curious. I presume yes. So here."
*This flying thing then presents a 2d screen-recorded from the Surrogate's view and shows the specific events that led to the surrogate becoming directed by that which is Kol's Chroma. The 'video' ends abruptly after it completed it's 'transformation' into a Sentient of it's own.*
"I am [i]Sentient[/i] now. I am many forms. Yet Koldraxon is my mentor."
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