originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*A bipedal catwolf appears from the shadows and unfolds a folding table and a couple of chairs. He fills two glasses with water and he has a clip board with a blank piece of paper on it and he also has a mechanical pencil. He sits down in one chair.*
"Okay, I am not interested in fighting at the moment. How about I get to know you people? We can talk about our weapons, what we are, our armor, our backstories and other stuff like that..."
[u]Balthazar pulls up a chair, and sits down with a mechanical clank. He turns his head to face you and cocks his head to the side.[/u] I don't believe we've met. My name's Balthazar, what's yours? [u]He sits still and awaits your response.[/u]
"My name is Sketch, nice to meet you."
It is nice to meet you too Sketch. I am Balthazar. What brings you here on this occasion?
"Well, I somehow ended up on this world and I eventually found the dojo... I thought it would be a good place to stay. Why are you here?"
[u]Balthazar contemplates your question, then nods to himself.[/u] I came here searching for a meaning to my existence. I was not always sentient, but my creator's last words before his final breath told me to find meaning in my life. I searched for decades, trying to find a use for myself. Eventually, I found that I excelled at one thing, and one thing only: combat. For 120 years, I searched the universe, searching for fights until one day, the thrill of it was gone. I was confused, as I had never felt any different. It was on that day that I realized that without a reason to fight for, I felt as empty as I had when I was first freed. My existence had lost it's meaning once again, like a lost leaf in the wind, trying to find a resting place. for the last 340 years, I have searched for a reason to fight, instead of striking out blindly. I have watched the sunrise of the three suns in the Khalen system, and I have seen the plains of fire in Ir Dolgrath. Eventually, my travels brought me here, to the Dojo. I had finally found my place, as the leaf finds it's perch. I now only seek admittance, and I will have something I truly care about to fight for.
*He wipes away a tear.* "Such poetry... Okay... What types of weapons do you like to use?"
Well, I mainly use blades. I use a massive great sword that is built into my back, a large one-handed sword and a shield built into my forearm, and hundreds of knives built into my body. When needed, I can resort to fighting with my fists, but My cores change out. My personality changes from the calm, passive person too a more... [u]Balthazar pauses.[/u] Ruthless personality. My body changes when I go through this transformation. My body goes from a sleek, elegant form to a bulky, rigid frame. The last time I switched to the ruthless personality, I soaked the world around me in crimson. I try not to think about it, as it goes against what I stand for. Every Time I switch though, I see the stained armor, and it brings the memories that I wish to be gone flooding back.
"My two main weapons are a flamethrower and a katana that controls air. I also have claws so that's helpful. I have the ability to blend in with shadows too. I got that ability from drinking a bunch of chemicals in a laboratory when I was young. When I got older I started working in that laboratory but there was a bright flash and I woke up in the woods. That's why I think I'm from another dimension. I swear I saw both my sword and my flamethrower in that laboratory, but I didn't have them when I woke up in the woods. One day I just looked at my hand and the flamethrower was there... Later on I looked at my hand and the sword was there..."
[u]Balthazar tilts his head, noticeably confused. [/u] Do you have any idea of why you're here, or what brought you here?
Edited by Skatch142: 4/13/2016 10:40:08 PM"We were working on a way to create wormholes. You know, folding space itself to get from one place to another. But then there was the flash before I woke up here. I think it had something to do with that. Now, you may think that it's the same dimension but it's a different place in the universe but it's not... If it did have to do with the worm hole generator, I'm not sure how it sent me to another dimension. But what leads me to believe that it's an alternate dimension is the fact that when I wandered around here I actually recognized some places like where my house used to be."
Straight, actually... [spoiler]Git Rekt.[/spoiler]
Triple bump.
"What do you want know" * pulls up a chair*
"You can start with anything... I already know you are a mermaid (mer?) and you prefer to fight hand-to-hand."
"Okay well i have a sister who is older and we both daughters of a chief. We both practice herbalogly so both of us practice different branches of i focuses on poison and she focuses on healing plants. I am 18,000 years old at some point i will return home for a brief visit so i can get mark as a right of passage of my clan but i will return."
Edited by Skatch142: 4/12/2016 3:20:26 AM*As he listens he is furiously writing on his clipboard with the mechanical pencil.* "Okay, well I think I may have come from another dimension. I'll shorten down the story from what I told Mortar. The reason I think I came from another dimension is because where I came from everyone was a bipedal animal like me. My parents were scientists and when I was young I got into a bunch of chemicals and got the blue stripe on my back as well as the ability to blend in with shadows. I got older and when I was 14 I was old enough to help in the lab. The last thing I remember then was a bright flash and I woke up in the woods."
Neat so thats how you can to be huh?
"Yep." *Starts writing on his clipboard again.*
Bump again...
Ok, now what the hell is "bipedal?"
Its means to walk on two legs
Ok...my intelligence is officially crippled from stupidity then.
Its a Monday so all is forgiven
Bramd - old
I'm not always one for backstory but I AM interested in yours. *sits down* Now, you can tell me yours and I'll tell you mine