originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Its says if treasure is what ye seek, follow thy clues to the treasure..."
"Here the first the first clue:
"What reaches tall and touches the sky with jagged peaks and wide endless maws thy second clue you shall find when sky touches the land
"I'm generally good with this stuff but uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh... Okay, okay... It must be some sort of mountain or something right?"
"Must be hmmm but i dont know of any mountains around here?"
"I can think of a few things... 1: the top of the dojo? 2: giant birds? 3: Clouds? 4: The horizon?"
Giant birds?... i dont like that idea at all
"Neither do I... But it was just an idea... I hope."
Oh ok.. maybe its the mountain
"Well then let's find the nearest mountain and climb the heck out of it!"
Okay but i think we need a plan for it
Edited by Skatch142: 4/12/2016 12:05:11 PM"Okay... We should gather supplies and maybe get a couple other people too."
Yes that sounds like a good idea
Did I hear MOUNTAINS??? *mortar comes up behind you, a grappling hook in one hand, and an M&M pack in the other*