Bramd - old
*in a fake British accent* Well, sir, I can tell you that it is mostly Americans who have problems with furries. Me? I'm just a normal guy. *now in normal voice* So, why did you come here? -
"I am on a journey, and simply stoped here to rest and you?"
Bramd - old
Me? I've been here a while, to... Get away from my family. I'm not scared of them or anything though. I flip them off any chance I get. *leans up against a wall* So... How come you are... A Bipedal animal? -
"Its a curse, but I've grown to love it, it makes me... different, plus the transformation made me more agile and stealthy, the man that cursed me didn't know it at the time but he made me even more deadly, which was not good for him."
Bramd - old
*chuckles* I guess lethality is great. Me? I'm an ex God of the underworld. It's not like I'm missing anything being a god, because my old job was to crush and grind human bodies in a giant Mortar and Pestle. Really disgusting. Plus, if I was a god, I couldn't get this beauty *holds out sword, a dark blue katana/broadsword mix with green flames coming off of it* -
Edited by Zak: 4/12/2016 7:37:48 PM[b] [/b]
Edited by Zak: 4/13/2016 4:00:22 AM*admires the flames coming off of the blade* "Ah, a fellow man of the sword, I prefer the sword aswell" *brandishes a hand and a half broad sword, the blade somewhat reddish in color, with ornately forged snarling wolves forming the cross guard, a hilt wrapped in thick polished metal wire, and a large deep green jewel imbedded in the middle of the cross guard between the wolves* "However I do like to keep a bow with me just in case"
Bramd - old
Makes sense. Have you talked with the deity? he can reforge your blade so deadpool wannabes will stop regenerating That's why mine is dark blue. -
I have not talked to him, however this blade is special to me, an old friend helped me forge it.
Bramd - old
Really? I just got mine from the black market. Loved it since. Even reforged it to become man different things* *as it is in my hand, you notice that it becomes a different weapon every 2 seconds. First a sword, then a battle axe, then a war hammer, then a partisan, then a mace, and finally a quarterstaff. The cycle goes on endlessly.* -
Woah! Thats extraordinary! Can it only do melee weapoms or could it form a bow if you had a quiver full of arrows?
Bramd - old
Only some melee weapons *the sword stops as a war hammer* This form is probably my second favorite because it can mold around an enemy and hold them. But enough about me... Does your sword do something? Other than slice many people to death?