originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
For April 13 (tomorrow) I'm looking for a kings fall run hard or normal depends on teams light scores
Add me Xbox one:
Thank you and have a nice day!
Need 1 for kings fall normal message DoctorPope33
I need golgoroth check point
Looking for 1 more for oryx cp normal msg gt above
319 TITAN looking for experienced team for Fresh Run HARD ONLY
Looking for normal Golgoroth or higher. Invite GAWDSREGRET
Xb1 normal normal Oryx checkpoint I'm a little new so looking for some good people that can help me out
Looking to join hard preferred but normal will due for kings fall raid preferred war priest checkpoint. Add newraceing if you need me
Looking for two to do normal fresh start
Need 4 for a normal fresh run psn bobvsbobbyray 311 Titan 310 hunter
Titan 317 lf5 to kill oryx normal at last part rite now Not played since January so a little rusty GT : RECON PREDATORS
Need 2 at war priest message sane mane as above
looking for 5 people to start a fresh run on normal mode add: Bo_walid33
Need 2 for oryx hard be above 320 and know 8 orb strat also need 1 titian msg me for invite same GT
Need a team of 5 for normal fresh. Add Olenyk
Need 3 for fresh hard run message THA ill figure
318 hunter and 313 warlock for fresh normal oryx. Xbox Gt above message me for invite or invite me
Need 1 for kings fall normal. Msg me on Xbox Gt: C1emdog69
Need 2 right before sisters kings fall normal. Message Grom Gil Gorum for invite
Looking for my last calcified fragment, I need the ones from the raid, if you are by that invite me so I can finally get my touch f malice
Need group for Kings fall Hard Invite me Xbox one GT: darkdito6984 317 Titan Touch of Malice 316 Black Spindle 320
Need 2 for fresh run message THA ill figure
Need 3 on normal kings fall just before sisters. Message Grom Gil Gorum for invite
Need 1 for sisters HARD cp. MSG GT ^^
Need 3 more exp ppl for normal fresh Gt. YGFU ZERO
Need 4 more for oryx checkpoint, I'm running relic, message me for invite gt same as above hard mode
Need 3 for warpriest normal gt same