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originally posted in: Would/do you date OUTSIDE your race?
4/13/2016 6:19:22 AM
Eh I just see it as a preference. I wouldn't date Mexicans, Asian or black cause I'm just not attracted to them because of personal experiences. Course there is exceptions, but for the most part I wouldn't pursue those races. Saying someone is racist because of that doesn't really make sense. It's like saying you're sexist or homophobic because you won't date a male. Going off of what op said, you should be open to dating anyone & just get to know them (no matter the race or gender). To me though that doesn't really make sense because attraction is something you need in a relationship. Without it, there is no relationship

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  • [quote]Eh I just see it as a preference. I wouldn't date Mexicans, Asian or black cause I'm just not attracted to them because of personal experiences.[/quote] m8 that's literaly racist. [quote]It's like saying you're sexist or homophobic because you won't date a male.[/quote] No that's completely different. You can choose to be attracted to a male. But when it comes to relationships, choice not attraction is the main component. Literaly blind people are likely to stop flirting with someone after they find out their race. There's a difference between not finding people of a race attractive(that can also be affected by racism), and finding someone of that race attractive and not pursuing them because of their race. And I'm not just trying to be the black guy screaming racism, I know how titrx that character is. But I'm not gonna hold my tongue in the truth. Going off of what op said, you should be open to dating anyone & just get to know them (no matter the race or gender).[/quote] That's someone's opinion. And everyone is different. [quote]To me though that doesn't really make sense because attraction is something you need in a relationship. Without it, there is no relationship[/quote] That's someone's opinion and everyone is different. And I'm not saying date someone you're not attracted to. I'm saying overlook someone who is attractive just because of their race. [spoiler]We still bang bby?[/spoiler]

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  • You're missing the part where I said there are exception & I have & would date someone of those races. I just don't pursue people of those races. It's not racist, I don't date someone because I think they're race is superior to another or don't date a race because I have hate for them. I have friends of those races, just because I don't date them doesn't mean I am racist. Like I said I don't date them due to personal experience. Choice is not what matters most in a relationship, attraction is. If I am not attracted to someone then they become a friend, not someone I'm interested in being with. The attraction thing isn't an opinion, you can look it up. There's also more than one way to be attracted to someone, not just to their looks. I'm confused how the gender thing is any different to what you've been saying. You're telling me that if I choose to not date a race, I'm racist. So if you choose not to date a certain gender, by your definition that would make you a sexist because you're choosing to not date someone because of their gender. That's literally the same thing. Due to being r@pe or almost stabbed by these races, I don't feel comfortable dating them. I get flashbacks of those things with my husband now & he's white. You can tell me how wrong and racist I am, but that's not going to change the way I react due to the events that occurred to me. I have nothing against these racist, however I cannot move on with what happened to me. I don't let race get in the way, what I'm saying is I don't pursue relations with these races. If I find someone I like & they happen to be this race, I would date them. They are just not what I look for when looking for a partner. I don't see how that makes me racist, but than again that word gets thrown around constantly now [spoiler]we always bang bb[/spoiler]

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  • [quote]Choice is not what matters most in a relationship, attraction is.[/quote] Again. People choose to ignore people they find attractive just because of their race. [quote]The attraction thing isn't an opinion, you can look it up.[/quote] I'm not saying attraction is an option. Choosing to ignore it or not however is. [quote]There's also more than one way to be attracted to someone, not just to their looks.[/quote] I'm aware. [quote]I'm confused how the gender thing is any different to what you've been saying. You're telling me that if I choose to not date a race, I'm racist.[/quote] Yes if you choose not to date someone simply because of their race and nothing more, that's racist. [quote]So if you choose not to date a certain gender, by your definition that would make you a sexist because you're choosing to not date someone because of their gender. That's literally the same thing.[/quote] It's not, because you can not choose what gender you find attractive. But you can choose to ignore someone simply because of their race. [quote]Due to being r@pe or almost stabbed by these races, I don't feel comfortable dating them. I get flashbacks of those things with my husband now & he's white.[/quote] That's something you should talk to a therapist about. That's obvious unhealthy mental behavior. [quote]You can tell me how wrong and racist I am, but that's not going to change the way I react due to the events that occurred to me.[/quote] Yeah, it sucks that bad things happened to you but that doesn't mean the things you think are right. [quote]I have nothing against these racist, however I cannot move on with what happened to me.[/quote] Again that's something your therapist should hear. [quote]I don't let race get in the way, what I'm saying is I don't pursue relations with these races. If I find someone I like & they happen to be this race, I would date them. They are just not what I look for when looking for a partner.[/quote] You're conflating your own personal opinion with my entire argument. Look just ask yourself this. Could you ever see someone of another race that is attractive in every way you can find someone to be attractive, but pass them up simply because of their race? Answering yes is what makes it racist and people are known to do this No one is asking you to date someone you don't find attractive. I'm saying don't deny someone who you find attractive because of their race. [quote]I don't see how that makes me racist, but than again that word gets thrown around constantly now[/quote] Oh I agree. But it only makes talking actual valid subjects harder, because most everyone is already jaded on the subject of racism.

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  • But I dont have to think like you do, this is your opinion & I'm free to think differently. I'm not rude to the races I choose not to date, but I don't have to be forced into dating someone I don't have a physical attraction to because people like you want to label me racist. I never said I was opposed to dating other races (& I'm married to someone of another race), i just said I have a preference over the ones I listed. Just because you have a certain opinion, doesn't mean you're correct or people can't have a different opinion. There's a difference between not dating a race because you hate them & having a preference for a race over other races.

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  • [quote]But I dont have to think like you do, this is your opinion & I'm free to think differently.[/quote] We're just debating. I know it's my opinion. Lets not use that fact to stifle debate. [quote]I'm not rude to the races I choose not to date, but I don't have to be forced into dating someone I don't have a physical attraction to because people like you want to label me racist.[/quote] This is literaly the opposite of what I said. Did you even read my post? [quote]I never said I was opposed to dating other races (& I'm married to someone of another race), i just said I have a preference over the ones I listed. Just because you have a certain opinion, doesn't mean you're correct or people can't have a different opinion.[/quote] If you're opinion is racist, (not saying yours are) then yes most humans will agree that you are wrong. [quote]There's a difference between not dating a race because you hate them & having a preference for a race over other races.[/quote] Did you even even read my post?

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  • Edited by savage coco: 4/13/2016 5:52:57 PM
    Just because a lot of people agree with something, doesn't mean that what they agree on is correct. I'm sure Neanderthals didn't call each other racist when they choose the women they did. You're simply just attracted to who you're attracted to. I wouldn't cry or whine if someone said they didn't want to date me because I'm Mexican. I wouldn't scream they're racist because they can date who they'd like. What business is it to me, I'm not the one f×cking them. Also I don't want to debate, only reason I responded was because you said I was racist. Which nothing that I said was racist, like I said I can date who I want & you're free to label me, doesn't mean I care or that I'm going to change. Also nothing in my comment said if I found someone attractive I wouldn't date them because of their race. I just find certain races not attractive, but I'd still date those races if I found a guy I thought was cute. I just typically am more attracted to the other races that I didn't list. The ones I listed I typically am not interested in.

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  • I'm not trying to argue either but you have the wrong idea of what in trying to say. Look I'll simplify it again. If you find someone who's attractive in everyway, but you deny them simply because of their race and nothing more. Which is something that is actually very common. That's racist. It's the same as denying someone a job on race alone. You're not denying them because you're not attracted or because you don't like them. But instead because of a learned racial behavior (i can source that btw if youd like). [b]That's literaly the definition of racist.[/b]

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  • Lol I don't want to read a liberal blog or aticle sorce telling me that I've been conditioned by society or trying to tell me to date someone I don't want to. Things like that are stupid and made up by PC people who are offened and cry about everything. I answered in my last post what you keep asking & as I said label me all you want, that's not going to magically make me think people are suddenly attractive. [quote]Racist: a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another. [/quote]Me having a preference for a race over otheres, does not fit into that definition. Just because I think one race is hotter, doesn't mean I think that race is above the other. As I keep repeating I never said I'd wouldn't date a mexican, Asian or black, I just typically don't have interest in dating them. We have different opinions, this is why I don't want to debate. I'm not going to change your mind (not that I even want to) & you're not going to change mine. I simply answered OPs question.

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  • [quote]Lol I don't want to read a liberal blog or aticle sorce telling me that I've been conditioned by society or trying to tell me to date someone I don't want to. Things like that are stupid and made up by PC people who are offened and cry about everything.[/quote] Nope, just a scientific study linking to a scientific source. I love how you assume I'm liberal though. [quote]I answered in my last post what you keep asking & as I said label me all you want, that's not going to magically make me think people are suddenly attractive.[/quote] I guess I'll have to write the same thing 3 times. If you see someone you find to be attractive, but deny them simply because of their race, that's racist. That is what I've been saying the entie time. I never said date someone you don't find attractive. [quote]Me having a preference for a race over otheres, does not fit into that definition. Just because I think one race is hotter, doesn't mean I think that race is above the other. As I keep repeating I never said I'd wouldn't date a mexican, Asian or black, I just typically don't have interest in dating them.[/quote] I not once ever said there was anything wrong with having a preference. [quote]We have different opinions, this is why I don't want to debate. I'm not going to change your mind (not that I even want to) & you're not going to change mine. I simply answered OPs question.[/quote] The problem I have is that you don't even know what I'm trying to say.

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  • Edited by savage coco: 4/13/2016 9:14:55 PM
    I never said you were liberal... Also I'm not going to watch the video because I have my opinion & you have yours & I'm pretty content with my opinion. I get what you're trying to say, but I don't understand why you keep saying it to me or why you said that I was racist. I never said I wouldn't date someone that was attractive because of their race, all I said is people have their preferences & I don't think that makes them racist. And no I don't need you to repeat the same thing again, I understood it the first time. You should comment that on someone else's post, not mine because I never suggested such a thing

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  • Okay m8 then let's call it quits. [spoiler]though I don't remember calling you racist directly[/spoiler]

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  • You said my opinion was racist in your second response, but it's fine, didn't really bother me

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