The content in the update is for ttk owners, stop chuckling like a maniac and get off the forums. If we enjoy it, does it matter about its flaws? sure we may complain but we love this game and none of your petty mocking will change that. Some gamers are so whiny compared to back years ago. Did people complain that pong had no story? Did people complain about pacman being the same content every Time? NO. Games are meant to be enjoyed and appreciated, not mocked for being "re skinned" content. If you want a perfect game, good luck finding it.
*muahahahahaha* actually I'd do find a game so thank you. I just don't understand why you would pay more money for shit you already have. Kinda makes you look like a fool. Also, ppl did complain about PAC-man of its original title being too offensive and how there was no females in the game. Hints why Ms. Pac man came out later. So even back then ppl bitched. Your move.
Just stop hating on this game that millions enjoy