originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Well im not sure what punishment he has in store for but i glady take it to protect my sister. "
*leyla looks at her sister*
"She always protects me from his wrath whenever i got in trouble so i will return the favor and he just has temper but i will endure im not scared of him.
*The Chroma nods in response.* "...So he has a short temper. Not a good trait for a leader I would think, unless he knows how to manage his anger..." *The Chroma then looks up, not at his 'limbs', but to the shadow that looms above them; his [HULL], then back at Leyla, then her sister, then around himself.* "...It seems your father has a habit of taking out his anger on you, from what I have concluded. Now, what would you recommend we do?"