Bird. Please move.
*bobs head and moves to left an inch*
Bird. Please move away from the gate.
*it reaches out and touches your mind* -no i will not shoo-
*sigh* Bird. I am gatekeeper of this dojo. And I ask of you to move. Please.
*you hear what sounds like laughter then a voice in you head* -im not a normal bird you know- - i have many secrets and my name is echo- -dont you get lonely guarding the gate by yourself and im doing what leyla told me to do-
*sigh* Master Leyla doesn't understand my duties I guess.... Bir-I mean echo. You are causing a....disturbance standing on top of the gate. [b]Tesuto points to Lego who has tried to kill Echo[/b] It would be great if you could...well...call your master so we can talk.
-shes does thats why she sent me ahead in her place she execting a visit from couple of her clansmen and her father is coming to visit her and her sister. Which should be soon to sent he sent word three days ago.. im gonna see if i can spot them- *then echo takes off from the gate opening its massive wings and flapping with enough strength to kick up dust. Echo disappears for about 15 mins * -they are here... [spoiler] new post[/spoiler] *
-okay i will- *flaps wings takes off and lands on your left shoulder* -is this better-