Let me preface these sentiments by stating; this is my opinion and that everyone is entitled to theirs.
Please, keep in mind while reading this that I play crucible extensively and that I only use handcannons as primaries(mainly legendaries only as of TTK drop.) And that I dont much care for the destroyed exotics discounting The Broken Word- er, I mean The Last Word.
Formalities out of the way, I want to ask how the community truely feels about the state of handcannons, phantom bullets and overall tiering in terms of other primary weapons.
With the update on its way I was extremely excited for what legendary handcannons were gonna become and was hoping to see more than just 3 other people using legendary cannons in pvp.
My honest opinion is that there is not going to be any change with only ammo inventory getting buffed.
I dont see why my aim is punished for being on target after firing 2-3 shots... I feel many people realize that equipping a handcannon before a crucible match is like breaking your knee caps before a foot race and thinking you'll do just as good with crutches.
To fix the dilemma i frequently experience i think that handcannons should return to year 1 accuracy but retain the abissmal damage drop off. If the gun type rewards accuracy, then why are all my shots not garunteed to be on target?
I still do fairly decent in my matches but I've been so frustrated lately that I feel like I need to change my weapons to the meta in order to do well...
I think its also hilarious how bungie says they dont want to punish people for using weapons if they arent too powerful, but where are we now?
TL,DR: Why are you here if you didn't plan on reading?
Editors note(4/13/16): Hawkmoon with accurized ballistics is godly again. It actually goes where I am aiming 99% of the time and can do the bonus damage that 2 shots a good number of people in crucie. Still wish legendaries were more competitive, though.
Hope to see you guys in the crucible! I wont go easy on ya!!!
The reticle and where the bullet actually hits is off on the Legendary HCs. They need to fic the accuracy on them badly.