Yup, true story.
KD not only isn't everything, it's absolutely nothing.
I know how to inflate a KD
I could delete my characters and run up high KD in non competitive modes
I could only play in fireteams and pub stomp
I choose to stand by my account. I make no excuses. No brag. No hate. 100% all natural.
[quote]Yup, true story. KD not only isn't everything, it's absolutely nothing. [/quote] Understood. I know how to inflate a KD [quote] I could delete my characters and run up high KD in non competitive modes I could only play in fireteams and pub stomp [/quote] Jokes on you. I deleted my second Titan for a Hunter. All of my play time is on my titan. [quote] I choose to stand by my account. I make no excuses. No brag. No hate. 100% all natural.[/quote] I stand by mine too. Though admittedly I knew you were joking, so was I when I commented. No need for such a serious response in return.