originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Yes it can"
*you feel something reach out and touch your mind*
-hello leyla calls me echo-
[i]Hello Echo. I'm Tubbs[/i]
-its nice to meet you- *echo looks at you*
[b]looks at him[/b] [i]Right back at ya.[/i] [b]wants to ask if I can have one[/b]
"You want one? Hang on I'll summon them" *she grabs a black whistle from her bet and blows it * "Hehehe this is always fun summoning them at the same time" *off in the distance you hear the flapping of wings and a cry."
Yeah I want one! Who wouldn't?
"Here they come..." *she grins as she sees all of them getting closer fast as they gain speed * "You might wanna cover yours eyes their wings will kick up a huge amount of dust" *leyla shields her eyes from dust as they're now overhead and they start landing one by one.
My mask will protect me from dust.
"Okay then.." *they all land and look at you closely tilting there heads hopping closer to you trying to figure out what you are. The biggest of the has is solid black. the other are a little smaller the other two are combinations of red and black feather all over there body. One of the littler ones locks eyes with you and enters your mind* -im shadow and those two are nightshade and Malik-
*Appears from the shadows.* "There are more of you?"
"Yes there is"
Edited by Skatch142: 4/16/2016 4:43:23 PM"Well, uh, maybe, could I, Bird... Could I have a bird?"
Yes can i have Malik and nightshade you can pick from but shadow has been claimed by tubbs
"Hmmmm..." (Which one is which?)
Nightshade is solid black and malik is red and black
"I think I choose Malik."
Oh nice choice he the fastest of them all"
*Looks at Malik.* "Oh you are, are ya?"
-yes i am-
"(To Malik) Woah, now don't get full of yourself. Never, ever admit to being better than someone unless it will make them really really mad. Those are definitely words of wisdom... (To Leyla) Isn't there some sort of whistle that I need to call him?"
"Yes here *hands him a gold whistle*
"Thanks. I've never had a bird before... Especially not a giant two headed one that's telepathic."
"Malik is the size of a bobcat" says leyla.
"I can see that... (To Malik) Can you get on my shoulder?"
-yes but hold still- *Malik flaps his wings getting high enough off the ground to land on your shoulder then malik gently grips your left shoulder so he doesn't fall off* "I trimmed his talons a little bit so he wouldn't stab you with them but they will grow back fast."
"Oh, I'm fine with the talons... I'm used to accidentally poking and cutting myself."