I'm not suprised… this new [b]pay-to-win[/b]-esque tactic I'm hearing of is making me think of deleting Destiny from my console for more space. What do you guys think?
[spoiler]It's no question that bungie is up to some shady tactics here. That's why there are no options for "Bungie is making a legitimate business move" on the poll.[/spoiler]
I also changed the name to be more precise.
And yes, I haven't played destiny since october because I got bored. So I don't understand everything that's going on.
[spoiler]You guys are all so thin-skinned… just because I make a post that you happen not to agree with I'm suddenly:
Just to name a few.[/quote]
As I said to someone on this thread earlier, [u]I don't need to be a part of this community but you don't have to be so rude[/u].
Also; [i]this is a legitimate post[/i]. Not b8. Just because I posted in #Destiny doesn't mean I need a -blam!-ing lisence to post here.[/spoiler]
Can't wait to solo oryx with my light level 3 gear