[u]Balthazar enters the arena, spinning his blade.[/u] Feels like deja-vu, huh?
[b]I stand ready with my swords out on each side[/b] Time for a rematch!
[u]Balthazar activates bloodthirsty core and draws his seven foot chainsword. The blade starts to spin at 30,000 rpm.[/u] Lets start off with something you haven't fought, shall we? [u]Balthazar starts to lumber towards ninja, taking a massive swing at his chest. It appears Balthazar wants to end this quickly and isn't holding anything back.[/u]
[b]I roll underneath the swing and slice at your knees with both swords, sending lighting through you.[/b]
[u]The swords bounce harmlessly off of his armored knees, but the electricity sends him reeling. He lets go of his sword, then grabs you by the throat hoisting you far above the ground. He then starts to bash your face over and over with the pommel of the sword.[/u]
Edited by DigitalNinja: 4/16/2016 5:00:10 PMReally?! [b]-Punch-[/b] The face? [b]-Punch-[/b] Again!?
[u]You can tell that the Bloodthirsty core is entertained by your banter.[/u] Why not? Bashing your opponents face in is always a good strategy! [u]Balthazar then throws you off of the sky scraper towards the swamp, following close behind.[/u]
[b]I stick the landing, and roll to prevent my limbs from breaking.[/b] Alright.. Time for me to bring out a little surprise of my own.. [b]My swords switch from lighting to flame, superheating the blades[/b]
[u]For a few seconds, you wonder where Balthazar is. Then, suddenly, you here a loud roaring sound coming from above you. You look up, and see Balthazar falling haphazardly fast towards you with his chainsword spinning at break neck speeds. He crashes down on top of you, trying to shatter your legs.[/u]
Not this time! [b]I hold my swords up, stabbing into your chest as you crash on top of me. The heat begins to melt your armor. I struggle to stay upright under the weight [/b]
[u]The blades fully penetrate Balthazar's armor, but it appears he completely ignores it.[/u] You think I NEED my chest? I wonder if you need your head! [u]Balthazar plants a knee on your chest, crushing the air out of your lungs. He then grabs your head and starts to attempt to rip it clean off.[/u]
[u]Balthazar starts to smell a burning, then realizes your swords are burning his servos.[/u] SHIT! [u]He jumps away from ninja, trying to put Out the flames inside his armor.[/u]
[b]I struggle for a little bit, one of my ribs breaking, but then I take advantage of the fact that my hands are free, and rip my swords, still in your chest, upward, trying to slice off your arms. [/b]
[u]One of your swords gets stuck, but the other goes clean through his left arm. As balthazar jumps away, his left arm falls off with a metallic clang.[/u] Well. This isn't..... Favorable.
[b]I jump back, Distancing myself from you. My sword is stuck in you, but still burning. I wince slightly at the pain in my chest[/b]
[u]Balthazar pulls the sword out of his arm and bends it over his knee, making it useless.[/u] Well. This is not going as perfect as I thought it would. I guess I have to use that technique, no matter how much it pains me. [u]Balthazar's body starts to glow red with heat as steam starts to pour off of his body. A fissure down the center of his body starts to open as it starts to heat faster and faster. The metal his body is made of starts to melt, forming two different smaller bodies. As the steam and heat recedes, you see two smaller bodies. One is a smaller version of the Pacifist core, the other of the Death core.[/u] i hate using this ability as it weakens by body's structural integrity by quite a lot, and it makes it so I can't go back into bloodthirsty core. It makes up for that however by creating to fully repaired smaller automaton versions of me. Lets see how you deal with two of me. [u]The pacifist core charges at you with his blade and shield up, preparing to attack. He smashes into with the shield, letting the plasma burn against your armor creating a distinct smell of ozone. As you are busy with the pacifist core, the death core has gone and hidden itself, waiting for the perfect time to strike.[/u]
Edited by DigitalNinja: 4/16/2016 6:21:50 PM[b]I push the pacifist off of me, and retrieve my sword. With both weapons in my hands, I stand ready in a defensive position, anticipating attacks from multiple sides. My breathing is noticeably labored.[/b]
[u]The pacifist sheathes their sword and shield, switching them for two heavy calibre bolt pistols. Pacifist starts to fire them at you as fast as the can pull the trigger.[/u]
[b]I'm hit in the shoulder as I run for cover. I begin charging electricity in my armor when I get out of range[/b]
[u]As you charge electricity, Pacifist slams his shield into the ground. A bubble of plasma forms around him. Pacifist sits down and starts to meditate, his armor heating up and emitting steam. The bubble fills up with so much steam that soon it's contents are no longer visible. Suddenly, the bubble pops, covering the whole battle ground an a thick, humid steam that makes it nearly impossible to see.[/u]
[b]The lightning continues building up in my armor. The amount of power begins to create a blue glow around me. [/b]
[u]As you charge you power, the pacifist core jumps out of the smoke towards you. He slashes at your body, then jumps away[/u]
[b]I hold my guard with my sword. After a few silent moments, the lightning is disbursed in a massive wave, traveling along the moisture in the mist[/b]
[u]You hear a sizzling sound behind you and smell burning. When you turn around, you see the pacifist was in mid-swing, but the electricity fried it's core. It can be seen lying on the ground, crackling with electricity and occasionally twitching.[/u]
Hmm... [b]I investigate the remains cautiously, as my chest is still bleeding, and I am unsure of the the death core's location. After the wave, my power is drained substantially, and my swords are no longer heated [/b]