Oh nice choice he the fastest of them all"
*Looks at Malik.* "Oh you are, are ya?"
-yes i am-
"(To Malik) Woah, now don't get full of yourself. Never, ever admit to being better than someone unless it will make them really really mad. Those are definitely words of wisdom... (To Leyla) Isn't there some sort of whistle that I need to call him?"
"Yes here *hands him a gold whistle*
"Thanks. I've never had a bird before... Especially not a giant two headed one that's telepathic."
"Malik is the size of a bobcat" says leyla.
"I can see that... (To Malik) Can you get on my shoulder?"
-yes but hold still- *Malik flaps his wings getting high enough off the ground to land on your shoulder then malik gently grips your left shoulder so he doesn't fall off* "I trimmed his talons a little bit so he wouldn't stab you with them but they will grow back fast."
"Oh, I'm fine with the talons... I'm used to accidentally poking and cutting myself."
"Okay then " *nightshade is stand next to leyla then nightshade nudges leyla almost knocking her over * "Whoa hey cut that out nightshade says leyla."
"What's going on?"
Not sure this one im still training"
"Maybe it means he likes you?"
I did raise them from eggs"
"Well then that's probably it... Or he's playing."
"Probably right though"